You have 49 of 49 known Enterprise 64 & 128 games 3D-StarStrike Academy (spectrum port) Airwolf Antiriad (spectrum port) Beach-Head Boby Bearing (spectrum port) Chain Colossal Adventure (text) Colossus 4 Chess (spectrum port) Cyrus Chess II Devil's Lair, The Driller (spectrum port) Elite (spectrum port) Fantasia Diamond (text & graphics adventure) Galaxians (Compiled BASIC Program, no source) Gridtrouble Heathrow Air Traffic Control Highnoon (spectrum port) Human Torch and the Thing, text & graphics adventure (spectrum port) Jack the Nipper in Coconut Capers (spectrum port) King of the Castle Lander (Simple BASIC game, Compiled & source) Manic Miner featuring Miner Willy (spectrum port) Mercenary (spectrum port) Micronaut One (spectrum port) Midnight, text & graphics adventure (spectrum port) Mordons Quest (text adventure) Motos (spectrum port) Movie (spectrum port) Nebulus (spectrum port) Nether (spectrum port) Nodes of Yesod (from the odin computer graphics team) Orient Express Pssst. Spray the Bugs (spectrum port) Questprobe one, featuring the Hulk, text & graphics adventure (spectrum port) Race Ace Raid over Moscow RebelStar (spectrum port) Robot Messiah (spectrum port) Slap Fight (spectrum port) Sorcery Space Orbs (Compiled BASIC Program, no source) Super Pipeline The Abyss The Lands of Havoc Tomahawk, helicopter simulation (spectrum port) Two simple pacman games U-BOAT Xeno (spectrum port)